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expanded metal 網形鐵。

expanded plastics

Anping no . 9 wire mesh factory founded in the year 1986 in anping , the famous wire mesh land of china , is one of the earliest manufacturers of wire mesh in this area . we mainly produce and welded wire mesh , export expanded metal mesh , stainless steel woven wire mesh , perforated metal sheet , hexagonal wire mesh , barbed wire , insect screening , galvanized square woven wire mesh , 河北省安平縣第九絲網廠建于1986年,位于中國絲網之鄉安平縣城,是本地較早從事絲網生產的專業廠家,注冊資金80萬元,固定資產300萬元,占地3000多平米,擁有各種絲網生產檢測設備30多臺套。

Raw materials , felt ? fabrics ? brake and clutch lining ? thermal insulation ? pipe and tube insulation ? rubber and foam rubber ? polyurethane ? plastics ? wood ? glass ? ceramics ? graphite ? wax and casting compounds ? metals ? wire ? expanded metal ? shim stock ? foils ? magnets ? bumpers ? edge trim ? grommets ? grips , caps and plugs ? bellows 聚氨酯膠粘劑,超級膠水,螺紋密封墊圈,密封和粘合劑,建筑膠粘劑,紙箱封口膠帶,電氣膠帶,密封圈,減振條;絕緣橡膠,泡沫橡膠,塑料,金屬絲,金屬墊片

Our main sheet product is expanded metal , it include middle - sized and heavy - duty expanded metal mesh products , material used for these meshes involve steel , stainless steel , aluminum , copper etc . our main product of wire is welded wire mesh , it contains galvanized wire mesh and pvc coated welded wire mesh , materials used for these meshes include steel . . 鋼板網包括中型鋼板網和重型鋼板網,材質有不銹鋼板鐵板鋁板銅板。電焊網包括鍍鋅電焊網和pvc電焊網,材質有不銹鋼絲鐵絲。其他產品包括方眼網窗紗網護欄網刺繩以及輸送帶網。

It is situated in anping county , hebei province of north china , and it has several branch factories involved in stainless steel wire drawing and iron wire drawing , wire galvanizing , wire mesh weaving and producing of expanded metal screen 在短短的幾年中已發展成具有拔不銹鋼絲設備26臺套拔鐵絲設備15臺套織網設備40臺套鍍鋅流水線六條的生產規模。

Metal , wire mesh , square hole wire mesh , chain link fence , expanded metal mesh welcome to china peaceful hardware mesh mesh co . , ltd . 金屬,金屬絲網,絲網產品,金屬絲,六角網,石籠網,勾花網

Steel lathing for internal plastering and external rendering - specification for expanded metal and ribbed lathing 內部粉刷用和外部抹灰用鋼金屬網.第1部分:多孔金屬網和帶筋架強金屬網規范

Manufacturer of perforated metal and expanded metal , can manufacture decorative hole patterns for the perforated metal -中國重要的鋼鐵生產基地,世界上規模最大的稀土產品生產企業。

Specification for uncoated expanded metal carbon steel sheets for general purposes 通用未涂覆的板網碳素鋼薄板規范

We provide expanded metals mesh for commercial and construction use 我公司可提供商用和建筑用鋼板網。

Metal , wire mesh , square hole wire mesh , chain link fence , expanded metal mesh 金屬產品,絲網,絲網產品

Plate metal mesh : expanded metal mesh , perforated metal sheet 金屬板網:鋼板網沖孔網